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TitleSustainability and equity aspects of total sanitation programmes : a study of recent WaterAid-supported programmes in Nigeria
Publication TypeMiscellaneous
Year of Publication2009
AuthorsRobinson, A
Pagination88 p. : 31 fig, 13 tab.
Date Published2009-06-01
Place PublishedLondon, UK
Keywordsaccess to sanitation, behaviour, health education, household hygiene, latrines, sdihyg, subsidies, WASHCost

This report is a synthesis of a country studie on Community-led Total Sanitation (CLTS) activities in WaterAid programmes in Nigeria in 2008-2009. The studie examined whether CLTS had led to sustainable sanitation behaviour change.Key research questions included: What sanitation behaviour change has taken place?; Are sanitation facilities hygienic?; Does sanitation behaviour change last?; Does sanitation behaviour change result in lasting benefits?; Is there any differential sanitation behaviour change (i.e. do the improvements include all members of the community, even disadvantaged and vulnerable groups)?; Are the poor able to build durable latrines without any external subsidy?; and Has there been any upgrading or improvement of latrines?

Notes11 ref.
Custom 1304




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