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This Toolbox comprises a set of tools meant for use by water and sanitation resource centres willing to participate in a process of further improving their performance and their partnerships.

TitleThe Streams of Knowledge toolbox : work in progress
Publication TypeTool
Year of Publication2001
AuthorsIRC International Water and Sanitation Centre, The Hague, NL, City, PHStreams of
Paginationvii, 207 p. : boxes, fig.
Date Published2001-10-01
Place PublishedDelft, The Netherlands
Keywordscapacity building, evaluation, guidelines, institution building, institutional development, resource centres, sdiman

This Toolbox comprises a set of tools meant for use by water and sanitation resource centres willing to participate in a process of further improving their performance and their partnerships. The tools are named after the purposes they serve: 1) Diagnostic study; 2) Understanding the resource centre concept; 3) Assessing the potential of a resource centre; 4) Gender scan guideline; 5) Consolidating resource centres; 6) Electronic information services; 7) Evaluating effectiveness of resource centres and their partners; 8) Self-assessment guide; 9) Improving management and control functions; 10) Quality assurance; 11) Impact assessment

Each one of the tools is presented in the Toolbox according to a standard format: a brief presentation, its target, when and how to use it, how the tool was developed, its conceptual framework and the reference used as a basis for its preparation. The guiding principle is that the tools are helpful instruments, which do not require extensive budgets for their application and, most important, which result in a learning process.
Most of the tools are to be used in participatory workshops, focus group discussion or meetings, interspersed by interviews.

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