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This report provides a synthesis and summary of the Organisational Capacity Needs Assessment (OCNA) workshop held in Vientiane, Lao PDR, December 2016.

TitleReport on the SEHATI programme kick-off meeting
Publication TypeProgress Report
Year of Publication2017
AuthorsBaetings, E
Pagination53 p.
Date Published01/2017
PublisherIRC and Simavi
Place PublishedThe Hague, The Netherlands
Publication LanguageEnglish

The purpose of this report is to give an impression of the proceedings and discussions that took place during the SEHATI kick-off meeting. This meeting was held in Jakarta, Indonesia from Tuesday 29 March till Friday 1 April 2016. The main objectives of the kick-off meeting were to:

  1. Get up to speed on the new programme;
  2. Agree on scope, targets, responsibilities and so on;
  3. Understand the conditions of the grant agreement with regards to planning and reporting;
  4. Finalise the monitoring framework and make preparations for the baseline survey;
  5. Determine what capacity building initiatives need to be undertaken.

The kick-off meeting was the first meeting with all the partners involved in the new SEHATI programme.



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