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TitlePutting community management in place : four years of experience with improving water management in rural communities
Publication TypeWorking Paper
Year of Publication1998
AuthorsBolt, E, Lammerink, MP, Bury, PJ
Secondary TitleCommunity managers for tomorrow : partnership for water management in rural communities
Volumeno. 1
Paginationxii, 69 p.
Date Published1998-11-01
Place PublishedThe Hague, The Netherlands
Keywordsaction learning, cameroon, case studies, colombia, community management, guatemala, kenya, nepal, pakistan, participatory action research project on community management (manage), participatory methods, research, rural areas, safe water supply, sdipar

This series of five documents has been developed by IRC in collaboration with teams from partner organizations in Colombia, Guatemala, Kenya, Cameroon, Pakistan and Nepal. At the heart of these documents are the experiences of the local research teams who worked at the community level. These documents represent the results of a four-year participatory action research project to improve the management performance of rural communities for water supply systems in developing countries, called the Participatory Action Research (PAR)-Manage project. Document 1 describes the research process and presents the results and conclusions of the PAR-Manage project from the perspective of the support agencies and IRC. It explains how the participatory research was undertaken, the tools that were used, and what happened in the process, and what it demanded from the agencies and communities involved. It documents the experiences of researchers in the communities themselves - their progress and setbacks, negotiations and discussions in community meetings, exchange visits and experiments. Document 2 presents case studies of each of the 22 communities that have been involved in the project. The last three documents deal with what is described as the Participatory Action Development (PAD) approach. Document 3 is about the process of action research that was developed and tested throughout the project, to arrive at an approach for supporting communities in managing their water supply systems. Document 4 provides a brief introduction to the PAD methodology, which has three phases - Diagnosing, Experimenting and Sustaining. The Diagnosing phase of the PAD process is explored in detail and methods and tools that can be used during implementation are described. Document 5 provides a brief introduction to the methodology, and then explores the Experimenting and Sustaining phases of the PAD process, together with the methods and tools that can be used.

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