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TitlePromoting good hygiene practices : key elements and practical lessons
Publication TypeCase Study
Year of Publication2011
AuthorsMitcham, AUWaterAid A, IRC International Water and Sanitation Centre, The Hague, NL, International WaterCentre -Brisbane, AU, IWC
Pagination12 p. : boxes, photogr.
Date Published2011-01-01
PublisherWaterAid Australia
Place PublishedMitcham, Vic, Australia
Keywordscase studies, health education, hygiene, sdihyg

The objective of this compilation is to strengthen the capacity of organisations to design and deliver effective hygiene promotion programs leading to the improved health of communities.

This compilation of three keynote papers and 31 case studies searches for answers to the question: What makes hygiene promotion work? The case studies are written by authors from a wide variety of organisations working in South Asia, South East Asia, the Pacific and Africa. They provide lessons and learnings from very diverse experiences which are relevant beyond the specific project location, and for programs in other regions too. The case studies were first written for workshops and publications organised by IRC and WaterAid between 2007 and 20101. This compilation draws out a synthesis of key lessons and makes the case studies more accessible by providing a snap shot overview and access on an accompanying CD and a dedicated website at


Includes references

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