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TitleNavigating gender in African cities : synthesis report of rapid gender and pro-poor assessments in the 17 cities of the Water for African Cities (WAC) II programme
Publication TypeMiscellaneous
Year of Publication2006
AuthorsGender and Water Alliance -Dieren, NL, GWA, UN-HABITAT -Nairobi, KE, United Nations Human Settlements Programme
Pagination111 p. : 3 fig., 9 tab.
Date Published2006-01-01
PublisherGender and Water Alliance
Place PublishedDieren, The Netherlands
Keywordsadvocacy, africa, awareness raising, case studies, gender, health education, information transfer, institutional aspects, policies, poverty, sanitation, schools, sdiafr, sdigen, urban areas, water demand, water supply

Since 1999, UN-Habitat, through the Water for African Cities (WAC) Programme, has assisted African countries to improve the management of water and sanitation. This report is the outcome of the compilation of the 17 reports of the African cities that joined the “Water for African Cities Programme II”. The objective of the assisted WAC is to tackle the urban water crisis through efficient and effective water demand management, build capacity to mitigate the environmental impacts of urbanization on freshwater resources and boost awareness and information exchange on water management and conservation. For this purpose, a Rapid Gender Assessment (RGA) framework has been developed by the Gender and Water Alliance (GWA). GWA facilitators in each of the 17 co-operating cities supported the organisation of stakeholder platforms that together with utilities, civil society organizations, government departments and residents, developed comprehensive city Gender Assessment Reports. This process led to the development of work plans for most of the cities, which have the scope for actual change on the ground for many poor women, children and men. Priority themes are : pro-poor water governance and follow-up investments, sanitation for the urban poor, urban catchment management, water demand management, water education in schools and communities, advocacy, awareness-raising and information exchange.

NotesIncludes references. - Also published as: Navigating gender in African cities : synthesis report of rapid gender and pro-poor assessments in 17 African cities by UN-Habitat and GWA, 2005. - ISBN 9211319106. - Report HS/815/06
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