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How can the monitoring of sanitation and hygiene interventions in Ethiopia be improved?

TitleMonitoring sanitation and hygiene in rural Ethiopia : a diagnostic analysis of systems, tools and capacity
Publication TypeWorking Paper
Year of Publication2015
AuthorsJones, O
Secondary TitleTechnical paper / WSP
Paginationviii, 51 p. : 8 fig., 5 tab.
Date Published06/2015
PublisherWater and Sanitation Program, World Bank
Place PublishedAddis Ababa, Ethiopia
Publication LanguageEnglish

This report contains a detailed diagnostic analysis on monitoring sanitation and hygiene in rural Ethiopia. It presents nine issues and the suggested way forward related to these issues. The report recommends alignment of sanitation and hygiene targets, indicators and definitions in Ethiopia; strengthening of monitoring systems; and ensuring appropriate resourcing for monitoring.

Citation Key79845



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