The report is a photo catalogue of handwashing facilities for schools constructed in Philippines, Indonesia, Lao PDR and Cambodia as part of the GIZ Fit for School programme.
Title | Hardware for group handwashing in schools : field guide |
Publication Type | Book |
Year of Publication | 2013 |
Authors | GIZ |
Pagination | 45 p. : photogr. |
Date Published | 10/2013 |
Publisher | Fit for School, Deutsche Gesellschaft für International Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) |
Place Published | Manila, Philippines |
Publication Language | English |
ISBN Number | 978-3-95645-057-0 |
Abstract | The report is a photo catalogue of handwashing facilities for schools constructed in Philippines, Indonesia, Lao PDR and Cambodia as part of the GIZ Fit for School programme. It looks at the materials used, design, durability and practicality issues encountered. There are separate sections on water sources, basins, piping and drainage. Based on the problems encountered, a new simplified and optimised design of a group hand washing facility that is made from simple, low-cost materials is presented. The maintenance and sustainability of handwashing facilities is in part dependent upon the community ownership of the facilities. Small measures are described that can be taken to improve community acceptance and ownership. The report concludes with a discussion on the remaining challenges related to functionality and financial constraints. |
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