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The objective of this document is to offer a preliminary framework for relief workers (technicians / engineers) in effective provision of emergency water, sanitation and health education.

TitleA draft framework for emergency water and sanitation interventions
Publication TypeMiscellaneous
Year of Publication1997
AuthorsMukiibi, EM
Secondary TitleWorld Vision UK technical report
Paginationca. 110 p. : fig., photogr., tab.
Date Published1997-01-01
PublisherWorld Vision UK
Place PublishedMilton Keynes, UK
Keywordscab97/4, disease transmission, emergency operations, evaluation, health education, information gathering, planning, priority setting, sanitation, sdieme, water supply

The objective of this document is to offer a preliminary framework for relief workers (technicians / engineers) in effective provision of emergency water, sanitation and health education. It seeks to address water and sanitation emergencies in tropical Africa resulting from both man-made and natural disasters. It has chapters covering the following: water and sanitation related disease transmission routes in emergency situations; assessment in emergency water and sanitation; sanitation component; water supply; hygiene education; and mechanisms to reduce people's vulnerability.

Notes32 ref.
Custom 1274, 36


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