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TitleCost effectiveness of a latrine revision programme in Kabul, Afghanistan
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2004
AuthorsMeddings, DR, Ronald, LA, Marion, S, Pinera, J-F, Oppliger, A
Paginationp. 281- 289 : 5 tab.
Date Published2004-04-01
Keywordsafghanistan kabul, child health, construction costs, cost benefit analysis, diarrhoeal diseases, disease control, impact assessment, latrines, mortality, primary health care, sdiasi, sdihyg, surveys

Assessment of a household latrine revision intervention implemented in Kabul, Afghanistan for evidence of a reduction in diarrhoeal disease occurrence. The researchers conducted a cost-effectiveness analysis using direct and indirect costs for health care interventions. The study indicates that the interventions of the International Committee of the Red Cross reduced the risk of diarrhoeal disease morbidity in children and that its cost effectiveness was comparable to other health care interventions.

Notes29 ref.
Custom 1822, 321.4


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