Decision-support tool to aid the identification of potentially appropriate drinking water methods for arsenic- and salt-mitigation in Bangladesh. Developed as part of action research carried out for BRAC WASH.
Title | Astra |
Publication Type | Tool |
Year of Publication | 2015 |
Authors | Szántó, G, Pelgrim-Adams, A, van Halem, D, Rietveld, L, Olivero, S, Roy, D, Barendse, J, Baby, K, Dogger, JW, Krukkert, IJ, Da Silva-Wells, C, Hoque, M, Bischops, M |
Date Published | 02/2015 |
Publisher | IRC, BRAC |
Publication Language | English |
Abstract | ASTRA is a decision-support tool to aid the identification of potentially appropriate drinking water methods for arsenic- and salt-mitigation in Bangladesh. The water supply methods included in this tool either treat or bypass arsenic and salinity problems in various water sources. With the help of the ASTRA tool, users can assess how appropriate different methods would be in a user-defined project setting. The aim of the tool is to contribute to increased operational sustainability in the Bangladeshi water sector and achieve sufficient and safe water delivery for everyone. It was designed to support a multistakeholder process in the planning phase of water projects. The ASTRA tool and the related multidisciplinary sourcebook was developed in the framework of the BRAC WASH II program with the financial support of the Government of the Netherlands and the expert support of IRC and BRAC. |
URL | |
Citation Key | 81571 |