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This paper describes artificial recharge experiments in both alluvial and limestone aquifers using spreading channels, injection wells and percolation tanks.

TitleArtificial recharge pilot projects in Gujarat, India
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication1989
AuthorsRushton, KR, Phadtare, PN
Paginationp. 533-545: fig., tab.
Date Published1989-01-01
Keywordsartificial recharge, coasts, costs, demonstration projects, ground catchment, india gujarat mehsana district, recharge wells, saline water intrusion

This paper describes artificial recharge experiments in both alluvial and limestone aquifers using spreading channels, injection wells and percolation tanks. The importance of understanding the conditions in the aquifer is\AB stressed and the economic viability of the alternative techniques is considered.

NotesIncludes references
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