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The following resources as identified by IRC and UNICEF act as reference/supportive publications on the thematic areas and represent the work we have done under these six themes and beyond.

 Theme 1 - The art of achieving universal and safely managed services

  1. Thematic brief 1: The art of achieving universal and safely managed services
  2. Understanding the WASH system and its building blocks
  3. WASH Systems Academy
  4. People, systems and change: Harnessing the power of collective action through the Safe Water Strategy
  5. Strategic Directions for WASH Systems Strengthening in the UNICEF Strategic Plan 2022-2025
  6. UNICEF Sector-Wide Sustainability Check Tool 
  7. WASH Bottleneck Analysis Tool: Country Implementation Guide
  8. Strengthening Enabling Environment for Water, Sanitation and Hygiene – Guidance Note
  9. A hub keeps WASH systems in motion: Lessons from Ghana


Theme 2 - Increasing political and financial commitment to systems strengthening

  1. Thematic brief 2: Increasing political and financial commitment to systems strengthening
  2. The role of National Public Development Banks in financing the water and sanitation SDG 6, the water related goals of the Paris Agreement and biodiversity protection
  3. A Handbook for Finance Ministers – How to make public investment work
  4. District WASH Master Planning Facility
  5. Strategic Directions for WASH Financing Thematic Area in the UNICEF Strategic Plan 2022-2025
  6. UNICEF's Role for Leveraging Financing for WASH in South Asia
  7. Launch of the WASH Finance Strategy Guide (Africa, Asia and Pacific)
  8. African Water Vision for 2025
  9. Dakar Declaration for water security and sanitation, for peace and development
  10. eThekwini Declaration and AfricaSan action plan
  11. N'gor Declaration on sanitation and hygiene
  12. Sharm El-Sheikh water and sanitation commitment


Theme 3 - Improving evidence-informed decision making and accountability

  1. Thematic brief 3: Improving evidence-informed decision making and accountability
  2. Strengthening mutual accountability in partnerships for WASH:
  3. Part 1: Literature review and learning from other sectors and Part 2: Summary of six country case studies
  4. From Infrastructure to Services: Trends in monitoring sustainable water, sanitation and hygiene services
  5. UNICEF Sector-Wide Sustainability Check Tool: Guidance for designing and implementing sector-wide sustainability checks in WASH


Theme 4 - Ensuring water, sanitation and hygiene services in health care centres, schools, and public places at scale

  1. Thematic brief 4: Ensuring water, sanitation and hygiene services in health care centres, schools and public places at scale
  2. Evaluation of water, sanitation, hygiene and environmental conditions in 40 healthcare facilities in Kabarole District, Uganda : baseline report


Theme 5 - System building in fragile contexts across the WASH, Humanitarian Development, and Peace triple nexus

  1. Thematic brief 5: System building in fragile contexts across the WASH, Humanitarian Development, and Peace triple nexus
  2. Climate change, Water resources and WASH paper


Theme 6 - Excellence and acceleration of WASH governance and service delivery systems in Africa

  1. Utility-managed rural water services. Models, pathways, drivers, performance and areas for support Thematic Overview Paper 
  2. More Sustainable Systems Through Consolidation? The Changing Landscape of Rural Drinking Water Service Delivery in Uganda
  3. Self-Supply [Book]
  4. Driving change: strengthening local systems in the water and sanitation sectors. USAID Sustainable WASH Systems Learning Partnership Guide


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