The following resources as identified by IRC and UNICEF act as reference/supportive publications on the thematic areas and represent the work we have done under these six themes and beyond.
Theme 1 - The art of achieving universal and safely managed services
- Thematic brief 1: The art of achieving universal and safely managed services
- Understanding the WASH system and its building blocks
- WASH Systems Academy
- People, systems and change: Harnessing the power of collective action through the Safe Water Strategy
- Strategic Directions for WASH Systems Strengthening in the UNICEF Strategic Plan 2022-2025
- UNICEF Sector-Wide Sustainability Check Tool
- WASH Bottleneck Analysis Tool: Country Implementation Guide
- Strengthening Enabling Environment for Water, Sanitation and Hygiene – Guidance Note
- A hub keeps WASH systems in motion: Lessons from Ghana
Theme 2 - Increasing political and financial commitment to systems strengthening
- Thematic brief 2: Increasing political and financial commitment to systems strengthening
- The role of National Public Development Banks in financing the water and sanitation SDG 6, the water related goals of the Paris Agreement and biodiversity protection
- A Handbook for Finance Ministers – How to make public investment work
- District WASH Master Planning Facility
- Strategic Directions for WASH Financing Thematic Area in the UNICEF Strategic Plan 2022-2025
- UNICEF's Role for Leveraging Financing for WASH in South Asia
- Launch of the WASH Finance Strategy Guide (Africa, Asia and Pacific)
- African Water Vision for 2025
- Dakar Declaration for water security and sanitation, for peace and development
- eThekwini Declaration and AfricaSan action plan
- N'gor Declaration on sanitation and hygiene
- Sharm El-Sheikh water and sanitation commitment
Theme 3 - Improving evidence-informed decision making and accountability
- Thematic brief 3: Improving evidence-informed decision making and accountability
- Strengthening mutual accountability in partnerships for WASH:
- Part 1: Literature review and learning from other sectors and Part 2: Summary of six country case studies
- From Infrastructure to Services: Trends in monitoring sustainable water, sanitation and hygiene services
- UNICEF Sector-Wide Sustainability Check Tool: Guidance for designing and implementing sector-wide sustainability checks in WASH
Theme 4 - Ensuring water, sanitation and hygiene services in health care centres, schools, and public places at scale
- Thematic brief 4: Ensuring water, sanitation and hygiene services in health care centres, schools and public places at scale
- Evaluation of water, sanitation, hygiene and environmental conditions in 40 healthcare facilities in Kabarole District, Uganda : baseline report
Theme 5 - System building in fragile contexts across the WASH, Humanitarian Development, and Peace triple nexus
- Thematic brief 5: System building in fragile contexts across the WASH, Humanitarian Development, and Peace triple nexus
- Climate change, Water resources and WASH paper
Theme 6 - Excellence and acceleration of WASH governance and service delivery systems in Africa
- Utility-managed rural water services. Models, pathways, drivers, performance and areas for support Thematic Overview Paper
- More Sustainable Systems Through Consolidation? The Changing Landscape of Rural Drinking Water Service Delivery in Uganda
- Self-Supply [Book]
- Driving change: strengthening local systems in the water and sanitation sectors. USAID Sustainable WASH Systems Learning Partnership Guide
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