Country: Ethiopia | Partners: RAIN, water health, Quest-Consult, Ministry of Water, Irrigation and Energy, MWA, CRS, RiPPLE, HCS + Ethiopian-based organisations | Client: Partners for Water Programme | Duration: 2011-2013.
Published on: 01/01/2011
The project focused on developing opportunities for multiple-use water services linked to water harvesting innovations and household-led investment. It involved the Dutch-based partners IRC, RAIN, water health, and Quest-consult working with the Ministry of Water, Irrigation and Energy, the Millennium Water Alliance, Catholic Relief Services, RiPPLE, Hararghe Catholic Secretariat (HCS) and other Ethiopian-based organisations. The project, concluded at the end of 2013, focused on developing opportunities for multiple use water services in Ethiopia linked to innovative water harvesting technologies and household-led investment in water supplies (Self Supply). The project was generously supported by the Partners for Water Programme.
In its first phase, the MUStRAIN project (2011-2012 with follow-up activities in 2013) carried out research and demonstration activities focused the development of water harvesting for communal multiple-use schemes (i.e. irrigation, livestock and domestic uses) in very arid environments around Dire Dawa. This was based on the exploitation of river bed aquifers through sand-dams and sub-surface dams.
A second phase of the project (2013) focused on piloting Self-supply acceleration to encourage household-led investment in family wells. Here, the technology focus was on the development and safe use of shallow groundwater through hand-dug wells, manual drilling, related lifting technologies and Household Water Treatment and safe Storage. Working with the Ministry of Water, Irrigation and Energy and regional governments in Oromia and SNNPR the project supported policy development, piloting of approaches and planning.
The project has also generated a range of knowledge products including a series of case studies based on research of multiple use water services in Ethiopia, guidelines and training materials, and awareness raising materials including short films.
Alternatieve, goedkope oplossingen voor het 'oogsten' van regenwater op het niveau van de lokale gemeenschappen zijn een succes in Ethiopië. Maar voortdurende externe ondersteuning blijft nodig. Read more...
A diesel or electrically-powered pump provides a step up the technology ladder for rural households with a family well. The main reason for investing is often to irrigate crops, but the water uses and benefits are multiple. Read more...
Sand dams can provide sufficient water for domestic and productive uses even in some very dry environments. But the implementation and scaling-up challenges should not be overlooked. Read more...
A MUStRAIN case study looking at how family wells can be upgraded and improved. Read more...
This MUStRAIN case study examines whether giving communities a greater say in the design of their water supply systems leads to a different mix of uses. Read more...
A MUStRAIN case study on greywater reuse in keyhole and vertical gardens in Ethiopia. Read more...
A MUStRAIN case study on manual well-drilling.
An event held to support regional implementation of Self-supply. Read more...
MUStRAIN case study on addressing livestock needs together with other water uses. Read more...
This case study focuses on the less documented faecal sludge reuse interventions in Ethiopia: Arborloo and Fossa Alterna, as implemented in East Arsi and Eastern Hararghe, in the Central Rift Valley, and in Arba Minch. The case study is part of the MUStRAIN case study series in which the uptake of... Read more...
In November 2012 we conducted a series of interviews at national and woreda level on the links, or missing links, between the WASH sector and micro-finance institutes. There is collaboration between micro-finance institutes (MFIs) and the WASH sector, with MFIs supporting the sector to get money to... Read more...
One of the objectives of the MUStRAIN project is to increase the awareness and stimulate mutual learning and exchange among stakeholders concerning Multiple Use water Services (including rain water harvesting and Self Supply). Read more...
In a first phase, the MUStRAIN project (2011-2012 with follow-up activities in 2013) carried out research and demonstration activities focused the development of water harvesting for communal multiple-use schemes (i.e. irrigation, livestock and domestic uses) in very arid environments around Dire... Read more...
The Coca-Cola Africa Foundation (TCCAF) and its partners have launched the Replenish Africa Initiative's (RAIN) Multiple Use Water Improvements project in Ethiopia. This one-year project will benefit 73,400 rural citizens, including 22,000 school children living in seven rural woredas (districts)... Read more...
The 9th FLOWS seminar took an in-depth look at two service delivery models in Ethiopia's highly decentralised water supply. Read more...
The town of Butajira was awash with self-supply acceleration tips when 25 participants came together for a three-day training event. Read more...
"One plan – one budget – one report" is the catchphrase for the Ethiopian government's newly launched sector-wide approach to WASH. Read more...
In a new project, three Millennium Water Alliance partners will use additional funding from the The Coca-Cola Africa Foundation to deepen their existing interventions. Read more...