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TitleAtelier de consultation pour la définition d'un nouveau projet confinancé par One Drop, Hilton et leurs partenaires locaux
Publication TypeProgress Report
Year of Publication2019
Corporate AuthorsIRC Burkina Faso, Mairie de Banfora
Pagination17 p., 3 tab., 1 fig., 2 box.
Date Published06/2019
PublisherIRC Burkina Faso et la commune de Banfora
Place PublishedOuagadougou, Burkina Faso
Publication LanguageFrench

La Fondation One Drop envisage de poursuivre son appui à la commune de Banfora. A cet effet, la mairie de Banfora a convoqué un atelier avec toutes les parties concernées pour partager le bilan des interventions de One Drop et ses partenaires et discuter leurs perspectives d’appui à la mise en œuvre du plan stratégique communal eau et assainissement.

Le présent rapport élaboré par la Mairie de Banfora présente le déroulement, les résultats et les conclusions de cet atelier.

Avec l'appui technique et financier de: IRC, One Drop, Conrad. N. Hilton Foundation, Catholic Relief Services


On May 14, 15 and 16, 2019, Banfora organised a consultation workshop to define a new project co-funded by One Drop and the Conrad N. Hilton Foundation and local partners.

Held in Ouagadougou with the participation of several partners, this workshop aimed to agree on how the One Drop Foundation can best support the district of Banfora in the advancement of access to water, sanitation and hygiene. Present at this workshop were One Drop, DANIDA, Water4, WaterAid, Catholic Relief Services (CRS), Access Development, IRC Burkina, the MUNYU Association, the Gambidi Space, the Regional Health Directorate, the Regional Directorate of Water and Sanitation and the Provincial Directorate of Post-Primary and Non-Formal Education.

For three days, the district and its partners took stock of the previous support of the One Drop Foundation; discuss the prospects of support of the Foundation and its implementing partners from 2019 and analyse the consistency of the actions carried out with the vision of Banfora’s strategic plan. They also identified the key actors involved in the execution of the potential actions to be  funded by One Drop and the Hilton Foundations and their implementing partners from 2019 while defining their roles, responsibilities and modalities of their participation. Finally, it was a question of specifying the modalities of formalisation of the relations between the various partners and the district for the implementation of new actions. The outline of the workshop is presented in this report prepared by the municipality.



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