This year, Stockholm World Water Week will focus on the theme of water solutions to accelerate action on climate change.
sessions are IRC (co-)convened sessions.
Published on: 03/08/2020
Convenors: Government of the Netherlands | Global Center on Adaptation (GCA) | World Resources Institute | World Bank Group
Water is the solutions broker and the entry point for all climate adaptation possibilities; from nature based solutions and resilient cities to agriculture and energy. Water is an enabler. How can we convey within the water sector and to other sectors that water and all themes are inextricably linked?
The goal of the GCA's Water Action Track (WAT) is to accelerate and scale up climate adaptation using water and the water sector as an essential enabler and connector to safeguard a sustainable and resilient future for all everywhere. What should the role of the WAT be? And what can partners in and outside the water sector offer? Read more
Convenors: Sanitation and Water for All (SWA) | Stockholm International Water Institute (SIWI)
The COVID-19 crisis has affected all countries in varying degrees. Implementing the response measures requires political commitment at the highest level and the participation of a variety of stakeholders. The seminar is aimed at showcasing both challenges and opportunities arising from increased and improved coordination between different sectors, in the context of the pandemic. Read more
Convenors: Conrad N. Hilton Foundation | IRC | Netherlands Red Cross | Water for GoodAdd to calendar
Both humanitarian and development actors strive to provide sustainable WASH services, each in their own way. However, cooperation between the two is often limited while at the same time many contexts are becoming more complex and needs are rapidly increasing because of COVID-19 and depleting natural resources.
This session starts with lessons learned from Burkina Faso, the Central African Republic and Ethiopia followed by an interactive discussion to identify opportunities for synergies and collaboration. It's time for the humanitarian and development sectors to work better together and build the resilient national and local systems that can provide services to all, in the face of any crisis. For now, and into the future. Read more
Convenors: IRC | Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GmbH | Sanitation and Water for All (SWA)
Building sustainable WASH systems means that finance and governance aspects need to combine smoothly in the partner systems and in development cooperation support. Investment levels, absorption and maintenance capacity need to rise in parallel. This presupposes financial and technical cooperation elements that are smoothly timed, matched with each other, or intertwined over mid-term periods, usually not much less than a decade.
Please note that this session, moderated by IRC, is part of the Week on Water for Development virtual five-day conference hosted by the German development cooperation, which takes place in collaborative partnership with SIWI. Read more
EventCode: Water4All
Convenor: Government of the Netherlands
The Valuing Water Initiative promotes better decisions impacting water through the UN Valuing Water Principles. In this session, leading companies who actively value water in their activities will share their insights into what this can mean in practice. An expert panel will help identify key learnings from the showcases. Read more
Convenors: BORDA, Rural Water Supply Network (RWSN), Sustainable Sanitation Alliance (SuSanA), and Sustainable Services Initiative program (SSI). (Session held in English, French, and Spanish)
Join Agenda for Change and partners for a virtual learning and networking session during World Water Week at Home. The topic is WASH systems, sustainability, and resilience: why do they matter? Three sessions will be held at different times to accommodate people based in different parts of the world.
Convenors: Agenda for Change | Millennium Water Alliance (MWA) | The Mortenson Center (evening session)
(Session held in English, French, and Spanish)
Join Agenda for Change and partners for a virtual learning and networking session during World Water Week at Home. The topic is WASH systems, sustainability, and resilience: why do they matter? Three sessions will be held at different times to accommodate people based in different parts of the world.
Convenors: Australia Aid | WaterAid Australia | WaterSHED |Water for Women (English only)
Join Agenda for Change and partners for a virtual learning and networking session during World Water Week at Home. The topic is WASH systems, sustainability, and resilience: why do they matter? Three sessions will be held at different times to accommodate people based in different parts of the world.
Convenors: Government of the Netherlands | Water Youth Network | World Wide Fund for Nature
Water has been in the World Economic Forum's top five global risks for years; yet many decision makers outside the water community still do not realise that water stress is real, urgent and material. We must communicate better to reach those beyond our sector whose decisions have an impact on water. More here
Convenors: Government of the Netherlands | City of Semarang (Indonesia) | Deltares | Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development | Water Youth Network | World Bank Group
Water as Leverage aims to bridge the gaps hindering climate action, with a focus on project origination. This is a major hurdle, translating these challenges into inclusive processes for the purpose of developing integrated, transformative, bankable project proposals that address localised climate-related urban water issues which has not been tackled before. Read more