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WHO -Geneva, CH, World Health Organization, A 3-step proposal for strengthening human resources development in national water supply & sanitation programmes. World Health Organization (WHO), Geneva, Switzerland, p. 20 p., 1984.
WHO -Geneva, CH, World Health Organization, Behind the statistics : an overview of national baselines and targets. World Health Organization (WHO), Geneva, Switzerland, p. 26 p., 1984.
WHO -Geneva, CH, World Health Organization, Geneva, C. H. I. L. O. -, and Nairobi, K. E. U. N. E. P. -, Fluorine and fluorides, vol. 36. Geneva, Switzerland: World Health Organization (WHO), 1984, p. 136 p.: fig., tab.
WHO -Geneva, CH, World Health Organization, Glossary of terms used in the "Health for all" series no. 1-8, vol. no. 9. World Health Organization (WHO), Geneva, Switzerland, p. 36 p., 1984.
WHO -Geneva, CH, World Health Organization, The International Drinking Water Supply and Sanitation Decade : review of national baseline data (as at 31 December 1980), vol. no. 85. World Health Organization (WHO), Geneva, Switzerland, p. 169 p. : fig., tab., 1984.
WHO -Geneva, CH, World Health Organization, International Drinking Water Supply and Sanitation Decade : technical co-operation between developing countries : national decade planning experiences : the process of planning and implementation in the Philippines. World Health Organization (WHO), Geneva, Switzerland, p. 16 p.: tab., 1984.
WHO -Geneva, CH, World Health Organization, International Drinking Water Supply and Sanitation Decade : technical co-operation between developing countries : national decade planning experiences : the process of planning and implementation in Nepal. World Health Organization (WHO), Geneva, Switzerland, p. 16 p.: tab., 1984.
WHO -Geneva, CH, World Health Organization, Preventive maintenance of rural water supplies. World Health Organization (WHO), Geneva, Switzerland, 1984.
WHO -Geneva, CH, World Health Organization, The process of planning and implementation in Nepal. World Health Organization (WHO), Geneva, Switzerland, p. 16 p., 1984.
WHO -Geneva, CH, World Health Organization and Lumpur, M. Y. P. E. P. A. S. - Kua, Public water supply leakage and wastage control. Western Pacific Regional Centre for the Promotion of Environmental Planning and, Serdang, Malaysia, p. 108 p., 1984.
WHO -Geneva, CH, World Health Organization, Why action lines '84?. World Health Organization (WHO), Geneva, Switzerland, p. 18 p., 1984.
WHO -Geneva, CH, World Health Organization, Accroitre l'impact sanitaire : methodologie d'evaluation prealable pour les projets d'approvisionnement en eau potable et d'assainissement. Geneva, Switzerland: World Health Organization (WHO), 1983, p. 45 p.: fig., tab.
WHO -Geneva, CH, World Health Organization, World Bank -Washington, DC, US, and UNDP -New York, NY, US, Community participation in tropical disease control : social and economic research issues : report of the scientific working group on social and economic research. World Health Organization (WHO), Geneva, Switzerland, p. 32 p.: fig., tab., 1983.
WHO -Geneva, CH, World Health Organization and TN, T. Ministere, Conference nationale sur la planification et le developpement de l'approvisionnement public en eau et de l'assainissement : Sidi Bou Said, 9-11 mars 1983 : rapport final. Tunisia, Ministere de la Sante Publique, Tunis, Tunisia, p. ca. 500 p., 1983.
WHO -Geneva, CH, World Health Organization and UNICEF -New York, NY, US, The management of diarrhoea and use of oral rehydration therapy : a joint WHO/UNICEF statement. World Health Organization (WHO), Geneva, Switzerland, p. 25 p., 1983.
WHO -Geneva, CH, World Health Organization, Minimum evaluation procedure (MEP) for water supply and sanitation projects. World Health Organization (WHO), Geneva, Switzerland, p. 51 p.: fig., tab., 1983.
WHO -Geneva, CH, World Health Organization, New approaches to health education in primary health care : report of a WHO Expert Committee, Repr., vol. no. 690. Geneva, Switzerland: World Health Organization (WHO), 1983, p. 44 p.: fig.
WHO -Geneva, CH, World Health Organization, Procedure d'evaluation minimale (PEM) pour les projets d'approvisionnement en eau et d'assainissement. World Health Organization (WHO), Geneva, Switzerland, p. 49 p.: fig., tab., 1983.
WHO -Geneva, CH, World Health Organization and UNDP -New York, NY, US, Royaume du Maroc : Decennie International de l'Eau Potable et de l'Assainissement (DIEPA) : consultation exploratoire pour la realisation des objectifsde la DIEPA : Rabat, 19 et 20 avril 1983. World Health Organization (WHO), Geneva, Switzerland, p. 6 vol. (ca. 150 p ; 30 p. ; 19 p. ; 31 p. ; ca. 70 p. ; ca. 160 p.), 1983.
WHO -Geneva, CH, World Health Organization, Rural water supply : operation and maintenance : eight questions to ask. World Health Organization, Environmental Health Technology and Support Div, Geneva, Switzerland, p. 15 p., 1983.


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