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This report evaluates Plan International's Water Programme in West Africa. It was carried out from October 2000 until January 2001 in four countries: Burkina Faso, Mali, Senegal and Togo.

TitleWest Africa water programme : evaluation and advisory mission : final report. Pt. 1. Main report
Publication TypeMiscellaneous
Year of Publication2001
AuthorsBrikke, F, Postma, L, L. Campaore, M, Mar, L, Yaro, J, Djoukam, J, Blanchet, F
Paginationxiii, 65 p.
Date Published2001-03-01
PublisherPLAN International
Place PublishedDakar, Senegal
Keywordsburkina faso, evaluation, impact assessment, mali, programmes, rural areas, sdiafr, senegal, sustainability, togo, water supply, west africa

This report evaluates Plan International's Water Programme in West Africa. It was carried out from October 2000 until January 2001 in four countries: Burkina Faso, Mali, Senegal and Togo. In each country, six sample communities were selected where in depth studies were made in terms of impact and sustainability. Plan's approach at the regional and country level was also evaluated in terms of efficiency and effectiveness. Seven key issues, relating to sustainability of rural water supplies, were examined: 1. equity, gender and demand; 2. technology choice; 3. water quality; 4. community management and cost recovery; 5. participatory monitoring; 6. behavioural change; and 7. integration of water supply and water resource management. The evaluation team recommends the consolidation of seven main aspects of Plan's support: 1. upgrade skills and knowledge of staff on sustainability and participatory approaches; 2. clarify and define roles of Community development agents (ADCs); 3. specify roles of water and sanitation advisors; 4. consolidate monitoring and follow-up aspects; 5. develop institutional capacity building activities; 6. review information, education and communication (IEC) and training activities; and 7. improve integration of water, hygiene and sanitation. Finally, the evaluation team proposes a plan of action regarding the capacity building of Plan's staff in the whole region of West Africa, mainly on sustainability issues, technology choice, participatory techniques, monitoring, working and planning with communities and general project management.

Notes49 ref.
Custom 1824
Original PublicationWest Africa water programme : evaluation and advisory mission : final report. Pt 2. Country reports, West Africa water programme : evaluation and advisory mission : final report. Pt 3. Background information


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