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Technical brief on providing guidance on water, sanitation and health care waste that is relevant to viruses, including coronaviruses.

TitleWater, sanitation, hygiene and waste management for COVID-19
Publication TypeBriefing Note
Year of Publication2020
Pagination9 p.
Date Published03/2020
PublisherWorld Health Organization
Place PublishedGeneva, Switzerland
Publication LanguageEnglish
Other NumbersWHO/2019-NcOV/IPC_WASH/2020.1
Keywordscoronaviruses, COVID-19

This technical brief supplements existing World Health Organization (WHO) documents on infection prevention and control (IPC) by referencing and summarising the WHO guidance on water, sanitation and health care waste that is relevant to viruses, including
coronaviruses. This technical brief is written, in particular, for water and sanitation practitioners and providers. It is also for health care providers who want to know more about water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) risks and practices.


Includes 29 ref.

Citation Key86740


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