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TitleWater, sanitation and hygiene for populations at risk
Publication TypeBook
AuthorsDrouart, E, Vouillamoz, J-M
Editionsecond edition
Paginationxxi, 801 p.; 48 fig.; 39 tab.; 6 boxes
ISSN Number2705664998
Keywordsaccess to sanitation, access to water, international cooperation, international organizations, public health, water supply

The Action contre la Faim International Network (ACFIN), implements water and sanitation programs for populations in humanitarian situations. Water-supply and sanitation conditions directly affect health and food security and are key components in the fight against hunger and malnutrition. This fight leads us to work together with local vulnerable populations, and the general public, by organising awareness campaigns each year to improve the public knowledge about water and sanitation and the consequences it has on public health. ACFIN defends the right to have water accessible for everyone. This book is the summary of more than ten years experience of project implementation in water supply, sanitation and hygiene promotion, for populations in danger. This field experience has been
strengthened and informed by the scientific research, technical development and literature review that Action contre la Faim permanently undertakes to optimise its interventions. One of the purposes of this second edition is to capture recent experiences and expertise developed by the Action contre la Faim international network. This work is the fruit of teamwork and of the dynamism that has driven the Water and Sanitation department since its creation in Paris and later in Madrid, New York and London. But above all, this book is the result of the strong commitment and creativity of the Action contre la Faim teams on the field, national and international staff, who developed appropriate technology and approaches in collaboration with the beneficiary communities. [authors abstract]

NotesWith index on p. 783 - 792 and bibliography p. 793-800
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