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WASHCost Share allows organisations to explore and share information on the cost of water and sanitation services with their key stakeholders.

TitleWASHCost Share Guide
Publication TypeManual
Year of Publication2015
AuthorsDickinson, N
Secondary TitleAnalyse and share life-cycle costs
Date Published09/2015
PublisherIRC and BRAC
Place PublishedThe Hague, The Netherlands
Publication LanguageEnglish

This guide provides a step by step approach to analysing raw life-cycle costing data that you have and to transform data into the right format for WASHCost Share. The tool allows organisations to explore and share information on the cost of water and sanitation services with their key stakeholders. This guide uses the example of BRAC WASH in Bangladesh, which collected household expenditure data to assess the cost of sanitation to the poor and the ultra-poor.

Citation Key79970



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