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TitleVision 21 : water for people : a shared vision for hygiene, sanitation and water supply and a framework for action : also forming the water for people component of the world water vision
Publication TypeConference Report
Year of Publication2000
AuthorsWSSCC -Geneva, CH, Water Supply and Sanitation Collaborative Council
Paginationvi, 62 p. : boxes, fig., 1 map, photogr.
Date Published2000-03-01
PublisherWater Supply and Sanitation Collaborative Council, WSSCC
Place PublishedGeneva, Switzerland
Keywordscase studies, hygiene, international level, planning, policies, safe water supply, sanitation, sdipol

On March 22 environment and water ministers from more than 100 countries met in The Hague to discuss a vision of water resources management in the world in the year 2025. Among the dozens of documents the Ministers had in front of them is VISION 21 - "A Shared Vision for Hygiene, Sanitation and Water Supply." VISION 21 (subtitled "Water for People") that paints an enticing picture of the world in the year 2025: "A Clean and Healthy World: A world in which every person has safe and adequate water and sanitation and lives in a hygienic environment". VISION 21 contains a roadmap for replicating the mobilisation of local action in any country willing to give the political go-ahead.

NotesIncludes references
Custom 1202.3


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