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TitleVision 2030 : the resilience of water supply and sanitation in the face of climate change : technology fact sheets
Publication TypeMiscellaneous
AuthorsCharles, K, Pond, K, Pedley, S
Pagination71 p. : tab.
Date Published2010-01-01 ?
PublisherUniversity of Surrey, Robens Institute
Place PublishedGuildford, UK
Keywordsclimate, literature reviews, policies, sanitation, sdipol, technology, water supply

The fact sheets, linked to the  Technology projection study are divided up by key issues for water supply and sanitation facilities as a result of these four climate scenarios. The relevant key issues for each scenario are indicated in a table. The adaptations have been divided into four categories: capital expenditure, which includes long-term adaptations that will not necessarily be suitable for immediate implementation; operational expenditure, which includes adaptations that can be made to existing systems; monitoring, which includes programmes that can be implemented immediately to support planning decisions, or implemented in the long term to support continuing decisions; and Socio-economic tools such as community education, training and public awareness that can support short-term and long-term adaptations. The fact sheets provide guidance with regard to vulnerability and adaptation of water supply and sanitation facilities to the effects of climate change. They deal with the following key themes:
Water supply
− Flooding increases
− Groundwater recharge increases
− Increase in extreme rainfall events
− Run-off increases
− Water availability decreases
− Flooding increases; increase in extreme rainfall events
− Groundwater tables rising
− Water availability decreases

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