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This paper hopes to stimulate who are interested and directly involved in environmental sanitation programmes. It is divided into case studies from Africa, Asia and South America.

TitleThe value of environmental sanitation : case studies
Publication TypeResearch Report
Year of Publication2006
AuthorsSnel, M, Smet, JEM
Secondary TitleOccasional paper series / IRC
Volumeno. 42
Pagination133 p. : boxes, fig. tab.
Date Published12/2006
Place PublishedDelft, The Netherlands
Publication LanguageEnglish
Keywordsbangladesh, behaviour, case studies, environmental sanitation, excreta use, financing, ghana, hygiene, institutional aspects, malawi, mexico, peri-urban communities, peru, philippines, private sector, rural areas, sdisan, tanzania

This paper includes eight case studies on environmental sanitation in countries in Africa, Asia and Latin-America, including Malawi, Tanzania, Ghana, Bangladesh, Philippines, Mexico and Peru. The case studies look at different aspects, such as the use of human excreta, financial and institutional challenges to make faecal sludge management an integrated part of the ecological sanitation approach, and private sector participation in peri-urban and rural sanitation.Sanitation facilities and related hygiene behaviour provide a great dividend in terms of health benefits and human dignity, particularly for women. It is now becoming evident that the most effective intervention against water and sanitation-related diseases is safe excreta disposal, particularly in low-income urban areas and densely populated rural areas, where the focus of environmental sanitation also includes solid waste management and stormwater and wastewater disposal. This document hopes to stimulate those who are interested and directly involved in environmental sanitation programmes.


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