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TitleLife-cycle costs in Ghana: uses and sources of water in rural areas
Publication TypeBriefing Note
Year of Publication2012
AuthorsMoriarty, PB, Nyarko, KB, Dwumfour-Asare, B, Obuobisa-Darko, A, Appiah-Effah, E
Secondary TitleWASHCost Ghana briefing note
Pagination8 p.; 6 Fig,;
Date Published08/2012
Place PublishedThe Hague
Publication LanguageEnglish
Keywordsghana, rural areas, water cost, water services provision

Experience from Ghana and many other countries around the world shows that rural people’s need for water is not only limited to domestic use. Water is also a valuable asset for the livelihoods of rural households. This briefing note presents WASHCost Ghana findings on the pattern of water use by people living in the rural areas of Ghana, and shows the wide range of sources -- formal or informal -- used by rural communities to meet their multiple needs.

Citation Key77715




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