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This paper outlines the Urban Basic Services Programme developed by UNICEF in Guatemala City between 1984 and 1993.

TitleUNICEF's urban basic services programme in illegal settlements in Guatemala City
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication1994
AuthorsEspinosa, L, Rivera, OALopez
Paginationp. 9-29: 1 box
Date Published1994-01-01
Keywordscommunity participation, guatemala guatemala city, health education, house connections, housing, primary health care, programmes, sanitation, squatter settlements, urban basic services programme (guatemala), water committees

This paper outlines the Urban Basic Services Programme developed by UNICEF in Guatemala City between 1984 and 1993. It concentrates on community based initiatives for water, sanitation and drainage, housing improvement, health promotion, health care and child development in squatter settlements. The paper covers the programme to train community health promoters to develop primary health care services and monitoring programmes, and to provide vital health and sanitation education. It includes projects to establish improved water supplies through single source tanks and community wells, a special initiative on community education and mobilization including literacy training and community based day care, and a new programme to provide new houses with water connections and meters. The author concludes that this programme provides an excelllent model for urban service delivery in the 1990's because of its participatory methodology, its integrated nature, and its emphasis on the education and training necessary to make the programme self-sustaining.

NotesIncludes references
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