Title | Teledetection et ressources en eau = Remote sensing and water resources |
Publication Type | Miscellaneous |
Year of Publication | 1998 |
Authors | CEMAGREF -Paris, FR, Institut de Recherche pour l'Ingénierie de l'Agriculture et de l'Environnement, Paris, FRORSTOM-, Rome, ITFAO- |
Secondary Title | Water reports / Rapports sur l'eau / FAO |
Volume | no. 16 |
Pagination | CD-ROM : 65.9 MB |
Date Published | 1998-01-01 |
Publisher | Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) |
Place Published | Rome, Italy |
ISBN Number | 9250040709 |
Keywords | arid zones, hydrology, models, remote sensing, sdiwrm, semi-arid zones, water resources management |
Custom 1 | 212.1 |
Original Publication | Teledetection et ressources en eau : actes de l'atelier international tenu a Montpellier, France du 30 novembre au 1er decembre 1995 = Remote sensing and water resources : proceedings of the international workshop held in Montpellier, Franc |