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This publication presents experiences from a technology transfer programme implemented in Colombia between 1989-1996. The programme introduced multi-stage filtration in eight different regions.

TitleTechnology transfer in the water supply and sanitation sector : a learning experience from Colombia
Publication TypeBook
Year of Publication1997
AuthorsVisscher, JT
Secondary TitleTechnical paper series / IRC
Volumeno. 32-E
Paginationix, 90 p. : 4 boxes, fig., photogr., 8 tab.
Date Published1997-12-01
Place PublishedThe Hague, The Netherlands
ISBN Number9066870265
Keywordscapacity building, colombia, decentralization, demonstration projects, evaluation, institutional development, multi-stage filtration, sdicap, sdilac, sdiwat, slow sand filtration, sustainability, technology transfer

This publication presents experiences from a technology transfer programme implemented in Colombia between 1989-1996. The programme introduced multi-stage filtration in eight different regions. The publication describes the holistic joint learning approach works used to support capacity building in the sector. The publication includes: 1. a description of the programme and its results; 2. a review of key issues in sustainable sector interventions; 3. a discussion of the theory and practice of technology transfer; and 4. an elaboration of the learning project approach.

NotesIncludes references
Custom 1202.2, 255.0
Original PublicationProyecto de aprendizaje en equipo, PAE's



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