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This document presents the results of a literature review on the application of the Strategic Sanitation Approach (SSA) in urban areas.

TitleStrategic sanitation approach : a review of literature
Publication TypeBook
Year of Publication1998
AuthorsSaywell, D, Cotton, A
Paginationvii, 56 p. : boxes
Date Published1998-01-01
PublisherWater, Engineering and Development Centre, Loughborough University of Technology, WEDC
Place PublishedLoughborough, UK
ISBN Number0906055601
Keywordscommunity participation, literature reviews, planning, sanitation, urban areas

This document presents the results of a literature review on the application of the Strategic Sanitation Approach (SSA) in urban areas. It is based on a review of 63 documents and an interview with key UK Department for International Development (DFID) personnel involved in projects in India (Lucknow, Cochin, Cuttack). The outline of the review is based on Albert Wright's publication "Towards a Strategic Sanitation Approach". The review looks at the distinctive features of the SSA: an emphasis on stakeholder participation and an incentive driven approach. It then discusses the operational implications of the SSA in terms of: technical support provision; widening technological options; assessing sanitation demand; unbundling sanitation investments; and financing and cost recovery. The review concludes that few projects have adopted all or the majority of the SSA concepts and that the SSA does not give enough practical guidelines for its application.

Notes63 ref.
Custom 1302.5



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