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TitleSmall scale irrigation using collector wells pilot project - Zimbabwe : final report, October 1992 - January 1996
Publication TypeMiscellaneous
Year of Publication1996
AuthorsChilton, PJ, Batchelor, CH, Mtetwa, G, Dube, T, Mugweni, O, Murata, M, Lovell, CL, Waughray, DK, Semple, AJ, Mazhangara, E, Brown, MW, Thompson, DM, Macdonald, DMJ, Conyers, D
Secondary TitleIH report ODA
Volumeno. 95/14
Paginationvi, 106 p. : 17 fig., 20 tab.
Date Published1996-02-01
PublisherInstitute of Hydrology
Place PublishedWallingford, UK
Keywordsaquifers, boreholes, community participation, demonstration projects, design, economic aspects, evaluation, garden watering, groundwater, implementation, institutional aspects, irrigation, rural communities, sdiafr, sdiwrm, site selection, social aspects, water resources management, well drilling, well yield, zimbabwe
NotesBibliography: p. 95-101
Custom 1272.2, 824



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