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To prevent people from drinking polluted water during floods in Bangladesh, the authors propose a floating rainwater harvester-cum-shelter.

TitleRainwater harvester-cum-shelter for the flood affected people
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication1989
AuthorsHussain, MD, Ziauddin, ATM
Paginationp. 3: ill.
Date Published1989-01-01
Keywordsappropriate technology, bangladesh, emergency operations, floods, rainwater harvesting

To prevent people from drinking polluted water during floods in Bangladesh, the authors propose a floating rainwater harvester-cum-shelter. It consists of a raft made of banana trees, an earthen storage jar (motka) and a piece of cloth or polythene that acts as a rainwater collector as well as a shelter. Costs may range from Tk 60 to 100. The raft is designed to last for 15-40 days. Rainwater can be stored for 3-4 days. Further research on rainwater catchment in Bangladesh was being carried out (see isn 9409 and isn 9699).

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