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TitlePump selection : a field guide for energy efficient and cost effective water pumping systems for developing countries
Publication TypeMiscellaneous
Year of Publication1992
AuthorsMcGowan, R, Hodgkin, J
Secondary TitleWash technical report
Volumeno. 61
Paginationca. 180 p.: 20 fig., 13 tab., photogr.
Date Published1992-01-01
PublisherWater and Sanitation for Health Project (WASH)
Place PublishedArlington, VA, USA
Keywordscosts, design, diesel engines, hand pumps, maintenance, manuals, motorized pumps, operation, photovoltaic systems, selection criteria, solar cells, solar-powered pumps, water demand, wind-powered pumps

The special conditions encountered in developing countries, such as a lack of fuel and spare parts, lack of trained mechanics and engineers, difficulties in matching equipment, and weak supporting institutions make the choice of suitable components for water systems somewhat complicated. This manual outlines a pump selection process for water projects in developing countries, beginning with the determination of the water and energy requirements and an assessment of the locally available equipment and support. Trips to visit other local water supply systems are recommended, to talk to the pump operator and view the system. An approximate system design and cost analysis should then be performed. Diesel, solar photovoltaic, wind and hand-powered pumps are explained and contrasted as to operating characteristics, costs, maintenance and repair, and equipment life. Other power sources briefly mentioned include turbines, biogas, animal traction and hybrid systems. Cost analyses, operation and maintenance schedules and organizational aspects are discussed in depth, complete with examples.

Notes29 ref.
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