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TitlePRA reference guide
Publication TypeMiscellaneous
Year of Publication1994
AuthorsKWAHO -Nairobi, KE, Kenya Water for Health Organization, Reclamation, Rand Water, Delft, NLBKHConsul, Hague, NLFemconsult, National Environment Secretariat -Nairobi, KE, NES, Kisumu, KELake Basin, DGIS, DGeneral fo, Nairobi, KEAMREF-
Pagination44 p. : fig.
Date Published1994-01-01
PublisherBKH Consulting Engineers
Place PublishedDelft, The Netherlands
Keywordskenya nyanza kisumu, manuals, participatory methods, participatory rural appraisals, programmes, rural domestic water and sanitation programme ii (kenya), safe water supply, sanitation
Notes3 ref.
Custom 1824



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