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The book describes low-cost options for the use of organic waste to produce suitable end products. The focus is on the recovery of urban organic waste through activities such as animal raising, composting, the production of biogas and briquetting.

TitleOrganic waste : options for small-scale resource recovery
Publication TypeBook
Year of Publication1993
AuthorsLardinois, I, van de Klundert, A
Secondary TitleUrban solid waste series / WASTE
Volumeno. 1
Pagination132 p. : fig., ill., tab.
Date Published1993-01-01
PublisherTechnology Transfer for Development
Place PublishedAmsterdam, The Netherlands
ISBN Number9070857332
Keywordsanimal feed, appropriate technology, biogas production, cab94/3, composting, economic aspects, egypt cairo, ghana accra, health aspects, india west bengal calcutta, low-income communities, mali bamako, organic wastes, philippines manila, recycling, research, urban areas

The book describes low-cost options for the use of organic waste to produce suitable end products. The focus is on the recovery of urban organic waste through activities such as animal raising, composting, the production of biogas and briquetting. Attention is paid to technologies that involve manual labour in order to create employment for low-income people. Financial aspects, marketability of end products, environmental problems and government policies are dealt with. The book is based on data and seven research reports compiled by local consultants on the recovery of organic waste in Cairo, Nairobi, Accra, Bamako, Calcutta and Manila.

Notes71 refs.
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