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This article reviews progress in SANDEC's research project on solar water disinfection (SODIS). While previous research concentrated on batch processes where water was stored in bottles, SANDEC is now looking at continuous-flow systems.

TitleNews from the solar water disinfection project
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication1995
AuthorsWegelin, M
Paginationp. 19-21: 2 fig.
Date Published1995-01-01
Keywordscab95/3, colombia cali, faecal coliforms, field studies, laboratory testing, projects, solar radiation, solar water disinfection (sodis) project, ultraviolet irradiation

This article reviews progress in SANDEC's research project on solar water disinfection (SODIS). While previous research concentrated on batch processes where water was stored in bottles, SANDEC is now looking at continuous-flow systems. These consist of raw water and treated water tanks, solar collectors, exposure vessels, heat exchangers, and flow control devices. Field research on these systems at CINARA's research station in Puerto Mallarino in Cali, Colombia, revealed problems with the reactor design, flow and temperature control, and the use of adequate material. These problems needed to be resolved before there could be any practical application of continuous-flow systems. SANDEC is planning field tests of continuous-flow systems in Jordan, Lebanon and Thailand.

Notes7 ref.
Custom 1254.1


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