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TitleNala nala raajje : waste awareness resource kit : community
Publication TypeBook
Year of Publication2009
AuthorsShafeeqa, F, Jaleel, M, Glen, E, Seddon, G, Shazna, M
Pagination68 p.; ill.l 15 refs.; tab.; fig.; photographs
Date Published2009-03-01
PublisherEnvironment Research Centre
Place PublishedS.l.
Keywordshealth education, maldives, maldives male, solid waste treatment, solid wastes

The environment in the Maldives is being placed under increasing pressure from a growing population, changing lifestyles and improvements in living standards. Waste is being generated in ever growing volumes. Without adequate treatment and disposal of the waste, the risk of polluting the environment is becoming even greater. Waste management has become one of the most pressing environmental issues in the Maldives. The Maldives, as with many other small island developing states, has unique challenges in relation to waste management including: transportation costs, lack of infrastructure, remoteness, lack of a cost recovery mechanism and appropriate technologies.

(authors abstract)

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