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TitleMeeting rural pumping needs in Sudan : an analysis of pumping system choice (diesel, wind, or solar)
Publication TypeMiscellaneous
Year of Publication1991
AuthorsMcGowan, R, S. Omer, A, A. Hamza, A, A. Eltayeb, O, N. Ahmed, Y, Hodgkin, J
Paginationca. 180 p.: fig., tab.
Date Published1991-01-01
PublisherAssociates in Rural Development
Place PublishedBurlington, VT, USA
Keywordscomparative analysis, costs, cwd 5000 pumps, diesel engines, field studies, grundfos pumps, indian lister pumps, irrigation, ksb aquasol pumps, lister-edeco pumps, maintenance, mono pumps, motorized pumps, rural supply systems, solar energy, sudan, wind-powered pumps
NotesIncludes biblography (5 p.)
Custom 1232.0



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