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TitleMarket survey : extremely low flush toilets plus urine diverting toilets and urinals for collection of black water and/or urine
Publication TypeMiscellaneous
Year of Publication2001
AuthorsE. Petersens, af, Johansson, M, Andersson, J
Secondary TitleSwedEnviro report
Volumeno. 2001:1
Pagination53 p. : fig., photogr.
Date Published2001-01-01
PublisherWater Revival Systems Uppsala (WRS)
Place PublishedUppsala, Sweden
Keywordsdesign, low flush toilets, questionnaires, sdisan, surveys, urinals

This paper is an overview of toilets and blackwater systems available in Sweden, Scandinavia and Europe. It informs on extremely low flush toilets that are presently available on the market. The benefits of water-saving sewage handling are outlined. Furthermore it contains data of a commercial market survey performed in December 2000 and January 2001 on the many water saving toilets such as water flushed toilets with gravity sewers, vacuum flushed toilets, urine diverting toilets and urinals.

NotesIncludes references
Custom 1323.1


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