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TitleLife cycle cost of sustainable wash service delivery : a case study of Bosomtwe-Atwima-Kwanwoma district (BAKD)
Publication TypeMiscellaneous
Year of Publication2009
AuthorsAppiah-Effah, E
Paginationxii, 72 p. : 2 fig.; 10 tab.
Date Published2009-02-01
PublisherKwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology
Place PublishedKumasi, Ghana
Keywordscase studies, ghana, sustainability, sustainable livelihoods, WASHCost

The main aim of the study was to estimate the life cycle cost of sustainable water and sanitation service delivery and the quality of service delivered. The life cycle cost analysis involved investment, capital maintenance, operation and maintenance and support costs and were used to assess how project sustainability throughout the facility life will be achieved. The study was conducted on one (1) small town water supply scheme in Kuntanase, three (3) boreholes with hand pump one each in Kuntanase, Abono and Petriensa and three (3) household latrines in Kuntanase. The design life of the WASH facilities was considered to be twenty (20) years. [authors abstract]

NotesThesis. - 32 ref.
Custom 1202.8, 302.8





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