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An interview with IRC's Head International Programme Catarina Fonseca on increasing water sector financing by improving governance.

TitleLack of financial vision for the water sector
Publication TypeMagazine / Newspaper Article
Year of Publication2018
AuthorsFonseca, C
Corporate AuthorsIRC
Paginationweb article
Date Published01/2018
PublisherWater Integrity Network
Place PublishedBerlin, Germany
Publication LanguageEnglish

An interview with IRC's Head International Programme Catarina Fonseca on increasing water sector financing by improving governance. Catarina explains why integrity in water sector financing is important, which projects IRC has been engaged in that have promoted integrity in water sector financing, what the biggest challenge is for financing SDG6, and what we can do to make water a less risky investment and enhance both public and private investment into the water sector.





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