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TitleImplication des populations defavorisees dans les actions d'assainissement dans le district de Bamako : capitalisation d'une experience de recherche-action en Commune IV
Publication TypeMiscellaneous
Year of Publication2000
AuthorsTraore, D, Keita, M, Sacko, B
Secondary TitleUWEP working document
Volumeno. 13
Pagination95 p. : boxes, fig., photogr.
Date Published2000-12-01
Place PublishedGouda, The Netherlands
Keywordscommunity participation, disadvantaged groups, gender, mali bamako, sdiafr, sdipar, waste management

The Urban Waste Expertise Programme (UWEP) was financed by the Dutch Ministry of International Co-operation (DGIS) during the years 1995-2001. In Bamako, Mali, the UWEP programme facilitated several studies and pilot projects, based on the concept of Integrated Sustainable Waste Management (ISWM), a concept articulated by UWEP. These pilot projects dealt with different aspects of the management of urban wastes, in which public authorities, private agencies and civil society actors were engaged. They deal with disposal, primary collection, re-use, secondary collection, discharge, separation, revaluating waste, and with the necessary institutional framework. These projects recognise waste materials as
economic resources that can generate stable employment and income. The UWEP pilot projects in Bamako (1996-2000) are: pilot project 1: development of an appropriate technology for household garbage collection; pilot project 2: establishment of an experimental depot for recycling of solid waste materials; additional project activities which were included in pilot project 2: to make recycling of household batteries more efficient and environmentally friendly; and to introduce methods of recycling plastic waste materials; pilot project 3: establishment of a facility for treatment and re-use of used water and latrine sludge; pilot project 4: participation of the whole population, including those with low income, in
waste and sanitation activities; pilot project 5: research on the links between generation of organic waste and its use by
urban and peri-urban farmers. Pilot project no.4 is the main subject of this document and concerns participation in waste
management activities of the population in one of the six municipalities of Bamako, i.e. commune IV. The project was the result of a proposal by community leaders and the managers of the micro-enterprises active in waste management in Commune IV. They were aware that waste collection can only be effective through the continuous involvement of the
whole population.Responding to the preferences of the local partners, UWEP proposed an action-research project as a method that allows the community the greatest possible influence on all project stages and encourages an ever-growing circle of residents to get involved. During the pilot project a very productive cooperation developed between the Cabinet
d'Etudes Keita-Kala Saba (a group of Malian consultants), the Malian NGO ALPHALOG, and the Dutch NGO WASTE (responsible for the execution of UWEP). Constant motivation and guidance was given by the real actors, the Chiefs of the Quartiers, the managers of the small/micro enterprises, the seven members of the Action Research Team, and the women and men residents of Commune IV, who contributed with their enthusiastic involvement and initiatives. [authors abstract]

NotesIncludes references
Custom 1824, 205.1, 305.1
Translated TitleCitizen Involvement in clean­-up activities in Bamako : Lessons from an action research project in Commune IV


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