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The inventory lists the activities financed by the Dutch government through the special programme "urban poverty" as well as other habitat-related activities financed through various other programmes.

TitleHabitat : wonen en leven in de stad
Publication TypeBook
Year of Publication1998
AuthorsBijlmer, J, Stegeman, M
Secondary TitleFocus op ontwikkeling
Volumeno. 9
Pagination238 p. : map, photogr.
Date Published1998-10-01
PublisherNetherlands, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, DGIS, Information Department
Place PublishedThe Hague, The Netherlands
ISBN Number9053281916
Keywordschild health, development cooperation, environmental protection, funding agencies, health care, inventories, netherlands, programmes, projects, safe water supply, sanitation, sdiurb, urban areas

The inventory lists the activities financed by the Dutch government through the special programme "urban poverty" as well as other habitat-related activities financed through various other programmes. It shows that improvement of living conditions of the poor is supported in different ways, e.g. through implementation and maintenance of drinking water supplies and sanitary facilities, health care, and protection of the urban environment.

Notes3 ref.
Custom 1205.42
Translated TitleHabitat : living and life in the city




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