Title | Flexible water storage options and adaptation to climate change |
Publication Type | Miscellaneous |
Authors | McCartney, MP, Smakhtin, V, de Fraiture, C, S. Awulachew, B |
Secondary Title | Water policy briefing / IWMI |
Volume | 31 (2009) |
Pagination | 8 p.; 7 refs.; 1 box; 2 fig.; photographs |
Date Published | 2009-01-01 ? |
Publisher | International Water Management Institute (IWMI) |
Place Published | Battaramulla, Sri Lanka |
Keywords | rain, rainwater, rainwater storage, storage capacity, water storage |
Abstract | Water storage has a vital role to play in improving global food security and building resilience for adaptation to climate change. A wide range of storage options are available, each with strengths and weaknesses. Because of the uncertainty associated with climate change, planners need to focus on flexibility in storage systems and give careful consideration to the sustainability, effectiveness and suitability of different storage types. [authors abstract] |
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