Title | Financing water and sanitation in developing countries : the contribution of external aid |
Publication Type | Miscellaneous |
Year of Publication | 2012 |
Authors | OECD Development Assistance Committee -Paris, FR, OECD-DAC |
Pagination | 12 p.; ill.; 3 tab.; 1 box; 8 charts |
Date Published | 2012-03-01 |
Publisher | OECD |
Place Published | Paris, France |
Keywords | country profiles, development aid, policies, statistics |
Abstract | This note is produced in the framework of the OECD Horizontal Programme on Water. It contains statistics on Official Development Assistance (ODA) extended with the purpose of assisting developing countries to finance water supply and sanitation investments. Private funding is not covered. Among the three sources of finance for the water sector – tariffs, taxes and transfers (“the 3Ts”) – ODA falls under transfers. In addition to the role it plays as a source of finance, ODA also supports capacity development for the provision of water services. [authors abstract] |
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