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In addressing the value of water as reflected in its price, either as charged by a water utility, as the price of a water transfer, or a water sale in some market, this paper examines three propositions regarding water pricing.

TitleExternalities, water prices and water transfers
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication1999
AuthorsJordan, JL
Paginationp. 1-8 : 2 fig.
Date Published1999-09-01
Keywordscost recovery, economic aspects, efficiency, sdiman, tariffs, water costs, water use

In addressing the value of water as reflected in its price, either as charged by a water utility, as the price of a water transfer, or a water sale in some market, this paper examines three propositions regarding water pricing. The paper considers the marginal scarcity rent of water, estimates of externalities, the full cost pricing of water, and the consequences of these considerations on water prices, transfers and the efficiency of water use.

Notes13 ref.
Custom 1264.0


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