Title | Expanding water and sanitation services to low-income households : the case of the La Paz-El Alto concession |
Publication Type | Miscellaneous |
Year of Publication | 1999 |
Authors | Komives, K, Cowen, PJBrook |
Secondary Title | World Bank public policy for the private sector notes |
Volume | no. 178 |
Pagination | 4 p. |
Date Published | 1999-04-01 |
Publisher | World Bank Finance, Private Sector, and Infrastructure Network |
Place Published | Washington, DC, USA |
Keywords | access to water, bolivia la paz el alto, contracts, low-income communities, private sector, safe water supply, sdiman, sewerage, water authorities |
Abstract | Bolivia's first major contract for private participation in the water sector was implemented in 1997. This was a twenty-five-year concession for the neighboring cities of La Paz and El Alto. To date the La Paz-El Alto concessionaire has met its service expansion obligations. But certain features of the contract could make it unnecessarily difficult to achieve the broad objective of universal service-as well as unnecessarily painful for some households. This Note explains why. |
Custom 1 | 202.2, 302.2 |