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TitleEvaluation of sector support and approaches in the water sector : final report
Publication TypeMiscellaneous
Year of Publication2008
Authorsvan Woersem, B, Heun, J
Paginationvii, 96 p. : 16 fig., 18 tab.
Date Published2008-05-01
PublisherCDP, Consultants for Development Programmes
Place PublishedUtrecht, The Netherlands
Keywordsbangladesh, benin, development aid, egypt, evaluation, funding agencies, indonesia, mozambique, netherlands, policies, sdipol, sustainability, viet nam, water supply, yemen

This report evaluates the progress made and lessons learned in the implementation of the Sector-Wide Approach (SWAp) in Dutch-supported water projects. It summarizes the water sector policy in Dutch development co-operation in chapter one and describes the situation, issues and contents of the Dutch aid programme in the seven water partner countries (Bangladesh, Benin, Egypt, Indonesia, Yemen, Mozambique and Vietnam) in chapter two. Chapter three provides an overview of the Netherlands sector support in terms of funding modalities, funding through multi-lateral channels, the application of the Paris Declaration, technical assistance, inputs in governmental and non-governmental systems at various levels and the role of headquarters and embassies in policy implementation. In chapter four the Netherlands contribution to strengthening of the water sector and the risk regarding the Netherlands decision making how to contribute to the water sector development process is assessed. In chapter five, outcome has been defined in terms of improved service delivery in water supply, sustainability of the water supply delivery systems and poverty focus. The outcomes are assessed for the ongoing activities with special reference to the three case study countries: Benin, Mozambique and Yemen. Perspectives regarding the implementation and anticipated results of newly started major programmes are also included in this chapter. Chapter six provides concluding remarks, while chapter seven provides lessons learnt based upon the analysis.

Notes29 ref.
Custom 1202.3
Original PublicationSectorsteun in milieu en water : een evaluatie van de toepassing van de sectorale benadering in de bilaterale hulp in milieu en water


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