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TitleEndowments, entitlements and capabilities : what urban social movements offer to poverty reduction
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2013
AuthorsMitlin, D
Paginationp. 44 - 59; 2 fig.
Date Published2013-02-01
PublisherEuropean Association of Development Research and Training Institutes
Place PublishedGeneva, Switzerland
Keywordsperu, poverty, social development, south africa, urban communities

As the scale and depth of urban poverty is increasingly recognised, questions arise about what can be done to address it. The contribution of urban social movements has particularly been recognised with regard to collective consumption of goods and services due to their significance to survival and well-being. This article explores studies of three movements concerned with collective consumption – one in Peru, and two in South Africa. The studies show that much social movement activity is designed to enhance and strengthen individual and collective capabilities. Other complementary activities are focussed on entitlements and endowments to enhance present and future capabilities and improve achieved functionings. [authors abstract]

NotesWith references on p. 58 - 59
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