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TitleEcological sanitation
Publication TypeBook
Year of Publication1998
AuthorsEsrey, SA, Gough, J, Rapaport, D, Sawyer, R, Simpson-Hebert, M, Vargas, J, Winblad, U
Pagination93 p. : boxes, fig., tab.
Date Published1998-01-01
PublisherSIDA, Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency
Place PublishedStockholm, Sweden
ISSN Number9158676120
Keywordsawareness raising, composting, design, ecological sanitation, human excreta, peri-urban communities, sdisan, social aspects, sullage

This paper addresses the issue of sanitation in relation to ecology. Sanitation autonomee is high and human waste (faeces and urine) were analyzed and proven safe for use in the ecological environment as soon as the techniques are mastered. Indeed, the development of cities on a large scale poses a problem of environmental pollution and sanitation. Thus ecology is often polluted by solid waste emitted by cities and industries, without omitting excreta humaains that have a large effect on the health of the ecology. To do this, this paper will be concerned that the state of ecology in the future. Also, it recommends ways that can help slow the deterioration of the ecological health.

NotesBibliography: p. 82-87. - Includes index. - Includes glossary
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