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TitleDGIS policy supporting paper : rooftop rainwater harvesting
Publication TypeWorking Paper
Year of Publication2001
AuthorsSmet, JEM, Moriarty, PB
Pagination30 p. : 3 fig.
Date Published2001-07-01
Place PublishedDelft, The Netherlands
Keywordscommunity participation, implementation, planning, policies, rainwater harvesting, rainwater storage, roof catchment, sdipol, sdiwat, sustainable livelihoods

Outline of this paper:
-    Role and potential of rainwater harvesting in integrated water resources management (also geographic area specific potential)
-    Relative importance of rainwater harvesting in drinking water supply and water-for-food supply (also school water supply)
-    Development and potentials of different rainwater harvesting techniques and technologies for rural and urban areas
-    New developments in key issues in rooftop water harvesting: planning, investment cost, funding, implementation and management
-    Cross cutting issues: institutional issues and development, stakeholder participation and gender specific issues
-    Potential effects and impacts: reduction of burdens of the poor; health and economic impacts, and poverty alleviation
-    International initiatives and developments in rainwater harvesting
-    Rainwater harvesting and the Dutch water policy


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Citation Key50370


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